New political theories continuously were developed and put to use as new nation-states and governments arose amid revolutions and reform. Nationalism, a belief in the importance of one's nation, became evident in nation-building that occured in Brazil, Russia, Italy, and Germany, as well as other states. The use of a republic, as seen around the time of the French Revolution, was another form of government employed. Liberalism, the focus on liberty and equality, was employed in emerging nations such as the United States. Conservatism was yet another political ideology that emphasized continuation of traditional organization and went against change in order. From 1750-1900, political organization was altered through new ideologies that began to develop, and in turn new systems of government grew and thrived.
Smith, Bonnie G., Richard Von Glahn, and Kris E. Lane. Crossroads and Cultures: A History of the World's Peoples. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin's, 2012. Print.
The Third French Republic symbol
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